Sunday, March 18, 2012

I’m sure that pretty much everyone in this class has already at least heard of or seen the video I posted previously about the KONY 2012 campaign.  As I have watched this story develop, I thought it was a prime example of the media and ethical issues.  Regardless of your stance on the campaign as more controversy begins to circulate around the video and the corporation who created it, on first watch, there is no way the video didn’t have some sort of affect on you.  This video was cleverly created to appeal to us.  It constantly reminded you that we all have the same human connection to each other and there was a clear issue and message at hand.  In the same token, I felt like the editing and songs used, along with the clips showing masses of young people working together were a bit odd.  What exactly did any of that have to do with helping stop Joseph Kony?  The video was upsetting, on multiple levels. 

So let’s start from the very beginning.  On March 5th, 2012 the Kony 2012 video was posted to youtube by the organization Invisible Children, INC.  In a matter of days this video went viral and whether you use facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram or other forms of social media to communicate with others, there was no doubt you had heard about this movement.  This video was made by that organization in order to raise awareness about a man named Joseph Kony.  He is an African “general” of sorts.  The only problem with this?  His army is made up of young children.  Boys are made into mass murderers and girls are mercilessly raped and beaten.  The whole point of the youtube video created about him is to make the man famous.  If he becomes famous in 2012, the world can know about him and the horrors he has committed.  Additionally, if people know about him there are certainly many who will work to help the Ugandan army stop him and bring him to justice.  Invisible Children is an organization turned corporation that aims at funding and helping children in third world countries who have been the victims of various war crimes.  The hunt for Joseph Kony is the ultimate goal of Invisible Children and now that they have raised enough funds to create this video about him and spread the word, they are finally putting their goal to catch him into action.  From an Ethical stand point, the beginning effects of this video seemed to show how the media can be used for good.  Invisible Children was able to show the world an ethical issue that most of us had no idea was even happening and they created a way for us all to help.  What could possible be wrong with that?  What ethical dilemma could there possibly be here?  Well, as people began to delve deeper into the background of KONY 2012, questions began that created a moral and ethical dilemma much greater than many of us would have expected…
(Word Count 507)

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